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Monitoring the Spread of the Corona Virus Can Be Through This Online Map

The world is currently being shocked by a deadly virus, namely the Corona virus. The Corona virus was first discovered at the end of 2021 in Wuhan, China. Now the Corona virus has begun to spread to various countries, including the Southeast Asia region.

Before discussing how to monitor the spread of the Corona virus, Dafunda Tekno should first tell you what the Corona Virus is, maybe some don’t know.

What is the Corona virus?

What is Corona Virus 2
Corona virus

According to reports from China, the Corona Virus began to spread in Wuhan, China since last December. State officials assessed that the Corona virus originated from wild animals sold at the Huanan Seafood Market in the center of Wuhan city.

Chinese food market vendors and media reported that the Huanan Seafood Market sells a wide variety of unique foods. Starting from wolf cubs, live foxes, crocodiles, giant salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, hedgehogs, camel meat to weasels.

Most of the animals sold in the market are species related to the previous pandemic, Server Acute Resporatory Syndrome (SARS).

According to researchers, this Corona virus is a virus that often infects animals. However, this virus can gradually evolve and spread to humans. The Corona virus itself is said to be similar to SARS which could have spread throughout the world in 2002-2003.

In order to help the public pay attention to the spread of the deadly virus. The Center for System Science and Engineering (CSSE) and the John Hopkins University Department of Civil Engineering created online maps that can be accessed via a browser.

CSSE map showing countries and cities around the world where the Corona virus infection has contracted. The location of the Corona virus case area is marked with a circle of two different colors and size variations. Depending on the confirmation status and scale.

The red circle is for areas that have been positive for the Corona virus, the yellow circle is the area where cases have not been confirmed.

The size of the circle describes the number of cases occurring in the region.

Online Map for Monitoring the Spread of the Corona Virus Worldwide

Online Map To Monitor Corona Virus
Online Map Monitor Corona Virus Affected Areas | systems.jhu.edu

“The visualized data is taken from various sources including WHO, US CDC, China CDC (CCDC), NHC and Dingciangyuan,” wrote CCSE’s Lauren Gardner in a blog post announcing this map.

Dingxiangyuan is a site that aggregates reports from NGC (National Helth Commission, China) and China’s CDC (Center for Disease Control Prevention) and is therefore used as the basis of reports on maps for the Bamboo Curtain country.

Data for cases in the United States (confirmed and suspected) originated from the CDC, while data for the rest of the world were taken from WHO.

For those who want to see the map of the spread of the Corona virus made by CSSE, you can see it through the following link.

Corona Virus Monitoring Tool

CSSE reveals that the interactive map is updated daily and is real time in nature.

As Dafunda Tekno quoted from Kompas.com, the data displayed is not always up-to-date.

Currently the positive number of the Corona virus has been recorded at 844 cases where 25 people have died.

Meanwhile, the CSSE map data still shows positive infections for 653 cases with 18 people dying. The latest information is January 23, 2021 at 12.00 PST or January 24, 2021 at 03.00 WIB.

Then according to the map, in Malaysia there have been four cases of suspected Corona virus infection.

This map from CSSE may be used as a tool that can monitor the spread of the Corona virus around the world, but not for absolute reference.

Corona Virus Has Arrived in Singapore

This Corona virus is relatively new from Wuhan and is a type of the coronavirus family that is officially named as the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by WHO.

This type of virus is very close to the Middle Eastern REspiratoru Syndrome (MERS-CoV) virus. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) virus can attack the respiratory tract and can cause pneumonia (lung infection).

Corona virus transmission can be directly between humans, possibly through body fluids that are scattered in the air, especially for sufferers of coughs and sneezes.

Because it has been positively detected in Singapore, the Indonesian Ministry of Health is now on alert by preparing thermal scanners at 135 country entrances. This tool is useful for detecting the body temperature of people who may have Corona virus infection.

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