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How to Register an LTMPT Account to Register for SNMPTN

For those who want to register for SNMPTN (National Selection to Enter State Universities) in 2021, they must register an LTMPT (State University Entrance Test Institute) account and it was opened yesterday 2/12/2019.

It is known that the SNMPTN pathway is a PTN selection route which refers to academic grades only or academic scores and achievements as determined by PTN at the expense of the government.

This of course needs to be known for candidates who wish to register for SNMPTN, UTBK, and SBMPTN 2021 in accordance with the Single Sign On (SSO) policy. Where it is the initial stage to register for SNMPTN, UTBK, and SBMPTN 2021.

Participants are required to have an LTMPT account to register for an account via the official website https://portal.ltmpt.ac.id.

Now, the registration for the LTMPT account is divided into two, namely for PDSS and SNMPTN which will be held on December 2, 2021 to January 7, 2021. Meanwhile, registration for LTMPT accounts for UTBK and SBMPTN starts from February 7 to April 5 2021.

How to register an LTMPT account to register for SNMPTN, UTBK and SBMPTN

Regarding registering for SNMPTN 2021 or registering for an LTMPT account, there are a number of things that you need to pay attention to as follows.

How and the stages of registration

  • First, create an LTMPT account for all SNMPTN, UTBK and SBMPTN applicants via the https://portal.ltmpt.ac.id site.
  • Fill out the PDSS (School and Student Database)
  • School Student Rankings
  • Announcement of Eligible participants to register for SNMPTN
  • Choosing a PTN and Study Program based on the following conditions:
  1. At most PTNs selected are only two
  2. Can choose a maximum of two study programs in one PTN or each study program in two PTNs
  • Using the Portfolio for participants who choose the Arts and Sports field of study.

School Requirements

  • Already have NPSN (National School Identification Number)
  • Conditions for ranking SMA / MA / SMK students for those using accreditation basis:
  1. Accreditation A: Best 40 percent in school
  2. Accreditation B: Top 25 percent in school
  3. Accreditation C and others: Top 5 percent in school
  • Fill out the school and student database (PDSS)

Student Requirements

  • For SMA / MA / SMK class 12 2021 students who get superior achievements and have academic achievements and meet the requirements set by certain PTN.
  • Have a NISN (National Student Identification Number) and have been registered in the PDSS and have a report card value of 1-5 which has entered the PDSS.
  • Participants who choose the arts and sports midwifery program are required to upload a portfolio.
  • Selection of Study Program is allowed to choose two study programs from one PTN

2020 SNMPTN Schedule

  • PMB 2021 System Launch: 15 November 2021
  • LTMPT Account Registration: December 2, 2021 – January 7, 2021
  • PDSS filling: 13 January – 06 February 2021
  • Student Ranking by School: January 13 – February 06 2021
  • Announcement of Eligible Students who register for SNMPTN: 13 January – 06 February 2021
  • SNMPTN Registration: 11 – 25 February 2021
  • Announcement of SNMPTN Results: April 4, 2021 at 15.00 WIB
  • Re-registration Participants who pass SNMPTN: Look at the pages of each PTN

Source: Kompas.com

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