The Tale of Cerberus, the Dog with the Three Heads of the Underword Entrance Guard!
Dafunda Geek – Have you heard the name or the story Ceberus? In Greek Mythology, Cerberus is a three-headed dog who is the guardian of the entrance to the underworld (underword). Speaking of the underground world, it became a royal residence for the god Hades. Well, Cerberus himself is tasked with preventing anyone who is still alive from entering the world of the dead.
Cerberus itself is said to be a dog that has 3 heads, but in other versions it also mentions that Cerberus has up to 100 heads. Even so, Cerberus was not always able to carry out his duties properly. It is said that Aeneas, for example, sedated Cerberus with a cake.
In another version, Cerberus has also fallen asleep after listening to music, as we saw in the Harry Potter films. Even though it is a beast, Cerberus’ own power scares the other gods. In most myths, Cerberus is agreed to be the son of Echidna and Typhon, which makes him brothers with the Lernaean Hydra, Chimera, and several other frightening creatures in Greek mythology.
One of the famous myths about Cerberus involves Hercules being ordered to kidnap this creature from the underworld as the last of Hercules’ 12 assignments. Before embarking on an adventure to the underworld, Hercules participated in the ceremonies of the Eleusinian Mysteries, an Ancient Greek cult that revolves around fertility and the land of the dead.
Hercules uses this knowledge to find the gateway to the underworld and then kidnaps Cerberus. Even though he was kidnapped, Cerberus was still scary. Its venomous saliva grows into a deadly plant known as aconite.
Many works of art depict Cerberus. Temple keepers in Greece and Rome often kept dogs to represent Cerberus. All the ancient Greeks believed that they would eventually meet Cerberus when he died, before entering the Kingdom of Hades.
Well, that’s the origin or the story of the beast at the door of the underground kingdom. Of course all this is just a mythology and myths whose truth is not yet certain. However, many people believe this and even claim to have met an animal like this.
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