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6 LoL Role: Wild Rift that Beginners Must Know

After sharing some recommendations champion LoL: Wild Rift for beginners. This time, Dafunda Game will discuss about Role LoL: Wild Rift which of course you should know and understand. The reason is, to play a MOBA game like Wild Rift requires knowledge because this game is still relatively new.

Since it was first released on October 27, 2021 then by Riot Games, League of Legends: Wild Rift has now succeeded in attracting MOBA game lovers with its advantages. For those of you who have just played the Wild Rift game, choosing a role in this game has a huge impact on teamwork.

The reason is, you have to balance your roles with those of your team members. So that later you can be balanced in the aspect of cooperation. Well, for those of you who are just starting to play the game LoL: Wild Rift. There are several roles that you must know. For more details, here is the summary for you.

LoL Role Division: Wild Rift

1. Marksman / ADC (Attack Damage Carry)

role lol: wild rift
ADC Role | Riot Games

The first role we will discuss is the Marksman or ADC (Attack Damage Carry). If you are a Marksman user, this role can be the perfect choice for you. ADC itself is the main spear in a team. Apart from being easy to learn, this role has an Ultimate Skill which is quite dangerous.

Although most ADCs are a marksmanHowever, it is possible that several heroes can also be filled melee. ADC itself will be coupled with Role Support on the Bottom Lane. The champions themselves can mostly attack from a distance. Champions with the best Marksman Role in our opinion are:

2. Fighter / Top Laner

Role Fighter
Role Fighter | Riot Games

The next role is Role Fighter or Top Lane. Fighter is perfect for those of you who like to duel 1vs1 with enemies. The reason is the players who play on role This has an important role in destroying enemy towers, or commonly referred to as split pusher.

Fighter has an important role in opening attacks and in terms of defense. If you like starting Ganking you will definitely suit this Role. Here’s a list of our best picks for Role Fighter Lol: Wild Rift:

  • Fiora
  • Nasus
  • Olaf
  • Shyvana
  • Camille
  • Garen
  • Gragas

3. Tank

Role Tank
Role Tank | Riot Games

The next role is a role that maybe very few people are interested, namely Tank. As we know, Tank is the front line of the team that absorbs most of the damage during the team war. Usually, Tanks have a thick Health bar if you buy the appropriate type of item.

Your job as a Tank is to protect the Team when a team fight occurs and to become a shield for them. Here is a list of the best Champion Tanks that can be an option.

  • Barum
  • Blitzcrank
  • Malphite
  • Alistar

4. Assassin / Jungler

role lol: wild rift
Role Assassin | Riot Games

Furthermore, there is the Assassin role, which is the role with the most number of champions with very high burst damage skills. In addition, this role can also be a mage or champion who is physically strong. Not only is the damage deadly, this Champion’s Agility is also fast and agile.

Here is a list of the best Champion Role Assassins that can be selected:

5. Mage / AP (Ability Power)

Role Mage
Role Mage | Riot Games

The next role is Mage. In general, this role has a number of skills that can kill opponents instantly and of course are very annoying. In addition, Mage is also an important role to maintain balance when team fights take place.

Mage is very good at controlling crowd skill damage. Therefore the Mage role automatically becomes the best role in Wild Rift. Here is a list of the best Champion Role Mages that can be selected:

6. Support

role lol: wild rift
Role Support | Riot Games

The last role you should know is Support. Support role is as a protector of Marksman. In addition, another goal is to protect Marksman by healing or protecting during the early game and helping the entire team during the war.

Most support champions will be equipped with crowd control effects such as stun, slow, snares, silences and knock ups. This is what makes this role very important. Here is a list of the best Champion Role Support that can be an option:

That is the explanation of Role Lol: Wild Rift. Which one Role Your favorite when playing Lol: Wild Rift? Don’t forget to write your opinion in the comments column !!

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