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25 Android Applications That Can Steal Facebook Passwords

Google has just reported that there are as many as 25 malicious Android applications on the Google Play Store that were caught stealing credential information from Facebook users. The credential information is in the form of username, user password. The application uses a method phishing to trick the victims.

French cybersecurity firm Evina said that if the Android application is malicious, there is malicious code that can detect any application that the user opens.

Dangerous Android apps on the Google Play Store can steal passwords

“If the newly opened application is Facebook, the malicious Android application will display a window in front of the official Facebook application which creates a fake login page,” said Evina’s representative.

If the user is deceived and enters his username and password. Then the two login data will be stored on the server with the airshop.pw domain.

If calculated from all malicious Android applications that have been downloaded 2.34 million times by Android users globally. Evina also said that her party had now reported the findings of 25 malicious applications to Google at the end of last May.

Google has finally removed these malicious applications at the beginning of June. After verifying the results of Evina’s findings.

As Dafunda Tekno kutp from ZDNet, apart from deleting, Googke has also disabled malicious applications from users who have already installed it. Google also notifies this information through the Play Protect service to Android users.

25 List of Dangerous Android Applications in the Google Play Store

So for those who still have one of these 25 dangerous Android applications. We recommend that you delete it from your device right now.

  1. Super Wallpapers Flashlight
  2. Padenatef
  3. Level Wallpaper
  4. Contour level wallpaper
  5. iPlayer & iWallpaper
  6. Video maker
  7. Color Wallpapers
  8. Pedometer
  9. Powerful Flashlight
  10. Super Bright Flashlight
  11. Super Flashlight
  12. Solitaire game
  13. Accurate scanning of QR code
  14. Classic card game
  15. Junk file cleaning
  16. Synthetic Z
  17. File Manager
  18. Composite Z
  19. Screenshot capture
  20. Daily Horoscope Wallpapers
  21. Wuxia Reader
  22. Plus Weather
  23. Anime Live Wallpaper
  24. iHealth step counter
  25. Com.tyapp.fiction

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