14 Excel Formulas Often Used in the World of Work
For students or office workers, of course, they are no stranger to existence Microsoft Excel. This data calculation software made by the best Microsoft has proven to be able to speed up the work of calculating various numbers.
Microsoft Excel also has various types of formulas in it to be used when calculating, but not all formulas in Excel are widely known by people.
This time Dafunda Tekno will share 14 Excel formulas that are often used in the world of work and also often used by students. Instead of being curious, take a look at the following reviews.
14 Excel Formulas Often Used in the World of Work
Excel IF formula function is to take one of two values based on a condition.
IF formula
Example of IF
=IF(2<3,"Benar","Salah") > "Benar" =IF(2>3,"Benar","Salah") > "Salah"
Function Excel SUM formula is adding up a set of numbers.
SUM formula
SUM example
=sum(2,3,5,6,11) > 28 =sum(a1,a2)
Function Excel Count formula is counting the number cell which contains numbers.
Count formula
Example of Count
Function Excel CountA formula is counting the number of cells with data.
CountA formula
Example of CountA
Function Excel CountIF formula is counting the number of cells in a range who have one specific criterion.
CountIF formula
Example of CountIF
Function Excel SumIF formula is the sum of an item in the table that matches certain conditions.
SumIF formula
SumIF example
Function Excel Match formula is to show the relative position of an item in a table that matches certain conditions or criteria.
For example, suppose we want to find whether in a table there is a person’s name certain.
Match formula
Example Match
Function Excel VLookUp formula is looking for an item in a column, in a table, and retrieve a value that is in another column in the table.
For example, we want find out when a certain employee’s birthday or the number of children.
VLookUp formula
Example of VLookUp
Function Excel SumIfs formula is looking for an item in a column, in a table, and retrieve a value that is in another column in the table.
Suppose we want find out when a certain employee’s birthday or the number of children.
SumIfs formula
SumIfs example
Function Excel Round formula is to round the number to the decimal number you want.
Round formula
Example Round
Function Excel Trim formula is to justify text by removing too much space.
Example of Trim
=trim("Ini adalah rumus excel yang mudah dipelajari ")
Excel Proper formula function is to convert text to shape proper case (the first letter is capitalized).
Example of Proper
=proper("ini aDalah rumUS eXcel yang mudah diPelajari") > Ini Adalah Rumus Excel Yang Mudah Dipelajari
Excel Upper formula function is to change text to the upper case form (all uppercase)
Upper example
=upper("ini adalah rumus excel sederhana di dunia kerja") > INI ADALAH RUMUS EXCEL SEDERHANA DI DUNIA KERJA
Function Excel Lower formula is for converting text to shapes lower case (all lowercase).
Lower example
=lower("Jangan Lupa download aplikasi JalanTikus") > jangan lupa download aplikasi jalantikus
Those are some excel formulas that are often used by the world of work and students. If you know other Excel formulas, don’t forget to share them in the comments column below!
Source: JalanTikus
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